Quick Testing
Tips for quick testing:
Overwrite Labs_Utopia_P.upk
(donut map) and test in Training
You never need to close Rocket League... just reload Training
Set Rocket League to Borderless mode to switch focus easier
Use this .bat script to instantly overwrite Labs_Utopia_P.upk
@echo off
echo "%~1"
echo F|xcopy /y "%~1" "{CookedPCConsole}\Labs_Utopia_P.upk"
{CookedPCConsole} is the folder containing all of Rocket League’s assets, within a folder such as: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\rocketleague\TAGame\CookedPCConsole
The easiest way to find the Rocket League install location is to right click it in Steam, click Properties > LOCAL FILES (tab on the top) > BROWSE LOCAL FILES…
Put a copy of this .bat file next to each map project:
To use, simply drag the .udk file onto it, then start Training in Rocket League.
Keep the project file and .bat script in view to the side of UDK