First off, a sincere thanks to all of you for using this guide in its various forms over the years. I originally made it with the intent to make a series of guides, but ended up disappearing for a few years. But here we are, almost 4 years after the original release, and at last it is taking its final form thanks to the dedicated efforts of ghostrider-05 and JimJoms.
Who am I? I have a few names, depending on where you find me: Mr. Swaggles in Rocket League, Dasoccerguy in DMs or other places, and Dr. Swaggles for smurfing/testing. I have used Blender since 2003, though only for hobby-level projects. I consider myself very competent with Blender, but I am by no means a professional and still have much to learn. I have been playing Rocket League since one week after release, and I can safely say that it is my favorite game ever. Most often you’ll find me shooting some Hoops.
The people who made and/or maintain this guide
People who have added content to this guide
These guys will be referred to as friendly/wonderful/amazing modders, so please thank them if you get a chance. Send a message if we didn’t give you credit for discovering something, and we’ll add you.
RL Modding Founder, The OG
Discord/Reddit Admin, Rocket Launcher Creator
Bakkesmod Creator
AlphaConsole Plugin, Collisions, Foundational Discoveries
Bakkesmod Genius
Countless Custom Maps, New Features, and Publicity
Collision Channels, Foundational Discoveries
Web Development, Video Tutorials, One-Stop-Chop-Shop
Fixed Collisions, Guides, Custom Materials, In-Game Assets
Rocket Plugin, Advanced Map and Kismet Techniques
Advanced Map and Kismet Techniques
Foundational Dribbling Challenge Maps
Foundational Challenge Maps
Foundational Parkour Challenge Maps
Boost, Mapmaking Techniques
UE Explorer Program
UPK Decryptor, Dummy Assets, Bakkesmod Work, Numerous Plugins
Tech Support
RocketLeagueMapmaking GitHub Team
Kismet Wizard
Dynamic Mesh Actors, New Kismet Nodes, Support, Website Content
New Kismet Nodes
Discord Moderator
Community Workshop Games Founder
Rocket Host Plugin, Map Hosting
Countless Custom Maps, Netcode Plugin and Flash Tutorials