Key Terms important
- A 3D object made of vertices, edges, and facesVertex
- A point defining a meshEdge
- A straight line connecting two verticesFace
- A surface connecting at least 3 vertices and edges (also called aPoly
- A vector perpendicular to a face which is used for collision and rendering(Bezier) Curve
- A 2D or 3D line defined by a polynomial functionTexture
- A 2D imageUV Map
- A mapping of a 2D image onto a 3D surfaceMaterial
- All aspects of an object’s surface propertiesGlobal Coordinates
- Z (blue) is up, and X (red) and Y (green) are along the ground gridLocal Coordinates
- All coordinates are rotated relative to the active object
The Hottest Hotkeys
Blender probably has the most hotkeys of any software in existence, since they are contextual and have multiple possible combinations. That can make it intimidating, but I promise it's extremely powerful once you know them. Try to memorize these hotkeys, and consider everything else a bonus.
Ctrl + S
- Save! - Blender has gotten much, much more stable over the years, but still save oftenTab
- Toggle Edit/Object ModesZ
- Viewport modes wheelAlt + Z
- Toggle X-ray viewShift + Space
- Favorite shortcuts menuA
- Select allAlt + A
/A A
- Deselect allShift + A
- Add objectX / Delete
- Delete objectG
- Grab - Translate selectionR
- Rotate - Rotate selectionS
- Scale - Scale selection___ + X
- Limit operation to global X axis___ + Y
- Limit operation to global Y axis___ + Z
- Limit operation to global Z axis___ + X X
- Limit operation to local X axis___ + Y Y
- Limit operation to local Y axis___ + Z Z
- Limit operation to local Z axis___ + Shift X
- Lock X axis during operation___ + Shift Y
- Lock Y axis during operation___ + Shift Z
- Lock Z axis during operationB - Box select
- Left click to add, Wheel click to subtractC - Circle select
- Left click to add, Wheel click to subtract___ + Right Click
- Cancel operation - Right click is your panic button!___ + Shift
- Switch operation to very fine control___ + Ctrl
- Snap operation to even intervalsCtrl + Z
- Undo - Also a panic buttonCtrl + Shift + Z
- Redo (common in Python programs).
>Pivot Point Wheel
- Set centerpoint of operation
Navigating Around important
Wheel Click
- Rotate the viewShift + Wheel Click
- Pan the viewScroll Wheel
- Zoom the 3D viewShift + C
- Center view on average location of all objectsAlt + Wheel Click
- Center view on mouse click location
View Hotkeys
Numpad 0
- Camera viewNumpad 1
- Front viewNumpad 2
- Rotate view downNumpad 3
- Right side viewNumpad 4
- Rotate view leftNumpad 5
- Toggle orthographic/perspective viewNumpad 6
- Rotate view rightNumpad 7
- Top viewNumpad 8
- Rotate view upNumpad 9
/Ctrl + Numpad ___
- Opposite of current view/ (Forward Slash)
- Enter/Exit local view (hide all except active object)Ctrl + Space
- Maximize/Restore current subwindowNumpad .
- Center view on selection